Virtual Holiday Programme in July 2021

Dear EHMC,


We look forward to you signing up your child(ren) and help spread the word about our Virtual Holiday Programme in July 2021!

We hope this will bring a wonderful time, lots of fun, laughter, interaction and smiles to your child(ren) during this complete lockdown MCO period. There are incentives to register for the whole 4 weeks programme. EHM siblings will also be allowed to join for FREE (subject to minimum one child fully sign up and paid for registration. Limited to one child log in via each Google meet HP). You may view the Video of the Virtual Holiday Programme and also refer to the Poster as attached to this email.  

The Virtual Holiday Programme is also open to the public, feel free to share with your friends, families and other social groups.They will be considered as Non-EHM students and will attract an extra surcharge of RM350.

In order for us to do the necessary preparations, Registration Form and payment should be completed before 2 July 2021. Please feel free to reach out to us should you have any questions or require assistance.


  • Each Holiday Programme is limited to a maximum of 20 children.
  • Please note that materials for the activities will be prepared or purchased by you in this Virtual Holiday Programme (HP). The required lists of items will be shared after you have signed for the respective HP.   Should you struggle with purchasing or collating the necessary items, please reach out to PLT to make alternative arrangements one week prior to the start of each HP.