Withdrawal Process

Request for withdrawal must be made in writing to the Head of School. Any request for withdrawal from the school, other than in writing, will not be entertained. The Enrolment Fee paid to the School is not refundable.

A minimum of 8 semester-weeks, fee paying withdrawal notice is required in writing for full refund of deposit.
Circulation of an 8 semester-week withdrawal notice period excludes holiday activity programmes, holiday periods, or school closure. The required notice must fall within the period as published by the School.

If notice of withdrawal is not given in accordance with the above requirement, 50% of the deposit paid, consisting half a semester of the school fee shall be retained by the School in lieu of notice.

School fees for the withdrawal period must be settled in full. Any outstanding debts will be deducted from the deposit.

School fees paid in advance beyond the withdrawal period will be determined according to the duration of the school semester; final day of attendance after the mid-semester will be refunded half a semester fees, while final day of attendance after the mid-semester break will not be refunded. Please refer to the EtonHouse Malaysia school calendar for the academic semester date.

Parents may give a provisional notice of withdrawal if they are not sure of the exact date of their departure. A minimum of 8 semester-week fee-paying notice is still required in writing, for a full refund of the deposit.

Once a student has formally withdrawn from the School, re-enrolment will only be permitted with the approval of the Senior Management Team. Re-enrolment will only be permitted with the first semester of withdrawal, after which the full application process is required.

The Head of School reserves the right to withdraw admission of a student from the School for any case judged to be in the best interest of the School.